Leah Devlin, Ph.D.

Lion Placeholder
Associate Professor, Biology
Rydal, 205
Penn State Abington
0119 Sutherland Building
Abington, PA 19001


  • Administration Acting Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs (2008 – 2011)
  • Division Head of Science and Engineering, 2007 – 2012
  • Coordinator of the Undergraduate Research Program, 2008-2013
  • Biology Department Coordinator, 1998-2005

Teaching Interests and Courses Taught

BIOL 482 Coastal Biology, BIOL 404 Cellular Mechanisms of Vertebrate Physiology, BIOL 469 Neurobiology, BIOL 479 General Endocrinology, BIOL 472 Advanced Mammalian Physiology, BIOL 141/142 Introduction Human Physiology and Laboratory, BIOL 129 Mammalian Anatomy, BIOL 240W Development and Physiology of Organisms.

Selected awards, grants, patents, other honors

Penn State Abington Outstanding Teaching Award 1997
Penn State Abington Scholar Award 2000

History of marine biology; neuroscience of synapses; marine invertebrate physiology

History of Science

Devlin, C. L. 2022. Alfred Eaton: a Victorian naturalist at the ends of the world. Polar Research. http://doi.org/10.33265/polar.v41.8420

Devlin, C. L.  2021.  Alfred Eaton and the biological collections from Leigh Smith's 1873 Expedition. In The Coldest Coast: the 1873 Leigh Smith expedition to Spitzbergen in the diaries and photographs of Herbert Chermside.  Ed. P. J. Capelotti.  Springer's Historical Geography and Geosciences series. p. 45-52. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67880-7_4

Devlin, C. L.  2021.  Herbert Chermside’s observations of marine mammals during a Spitzbergen hunt.  In The Coldest Coast: the 1873 Leigh Smith expedition to Spitzbergen in the diaries and photographs of Herbert Chermside.  Ed. P. J. Capelotti.  Springer’s Historical Geography and Geosciences series.  p. 53-58.  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-67880-7_5

Devlin, C. L. Devlin, C. L. 2019. "William Scoresby, Jr. as a physical oceanographer" Archives of Natural History. University of Edinburgh Press. 46(1): 33-43. DOI: 10.3366/ang.2019.0551

Devlin, C. L.  2015.  The influence of whaler William Scoresby, Jr. on the Arctic observations of Sir James Lamont.  Arctic.  68(3): 317 – 330 http://dx.doi.org/10.14430/arctic4510

Devlin. C. L.  2015.  Early observations of natural selection in Arctic animals by Sir James Lamont.  Nimrod, Journal of the Ernest Shackleton Autumn School.  In press.

C. Leah Devlin.  2014.  "The letters between James Lamont and Charles Darwin on Arctic fauna."  Polar Record, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0032247414000485

C.L. Devlin and P.J. Capelotti.  1996.  “Proximity to Seacoast:  G.W. Field and the Marine Laboratory at Point Judith Pond, Rhode Island, 1896-1900.” History of Biology 29 (2): 251-265.


Devlin, C. L., Amole, W., Anderson, S., Shea, K.  2003.  Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor compounds alter net Ca2+ flux and contractility of an invertebrate smooth muscle. Invertebrate Neuroscience.  5:  9-17.

Devlin, C. L. and Schlosser, W. 2001.  A Review: The pharmacology of GABA and ACh receptors at the echinoderm neuromuscular junction.  In The Physiology of Echinoderms and Decapod Crustaceans, a special volume of the Journal of Experimental Biology.  204(5): 887-896.

Devlin, C. L. 2001.  5-hydroxytryptamine stimulates Ca2+ flux in the ventricular muscle of a mollusc (Busycon canaliculatum) during cardioexcitation. Biological Bulletin.  200: 344-350.

Devlin, C. L., Schlosser, W., Belz, D., Kodiak, K., Nash, R. and Zitomer, N.  2000. Pharmacological identification of acetylcholine receptor subtypes in echinoderm smooth muscle (sp.  Sclerodactyla briareus). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C.  125:  53-64.

Devlin, C. L. and Schlosser, W.  1999. GABA modulation of acetylcholine-induced contractions of a smooth muscle from an echinoderm (sp. Sclerodactyla briareus). Invertebrate Neuroscience.  4: 1-8.

Devlin, C. L.  1997.  A vibrating Ca2+-selective electrode measures Ca2+ flux induced by the neuropeptide FMRFamide in a gastropod ventricle.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol.    116A:  93 -100.

Devlin, C. L. and Smith, P. J. S.  1996.  A non-invasive vibrating calcium-selective electrode measures acetylcholine-induced calcium flux across the sarcolemma of a smooth muscle.  J.  Comparative  Physiology B   166: 270-277.

Devlin, C. L. and Smith, P. J. S. 1995.  Acetylcholine-induced Ca2+ flux across the sarcolemma of an echinoderm smooth muscle.  Biological Bulletin.   16: 37.

Devlin, C. L.  1993.  Acetylcholine-induced contractions in a holothurian smooth muscle are blocked by vertebrate calcium antagonists, diltiazem and verapamil.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol.   160C: 573-577.

Devlin, C. L.  1993.  An analysis of control of the ventricle of a mollusk   I.  The ionic basis of autorhythmicity.  J. Exp. Biol.  179:  47-61.

Devlin, C. L.  1993.  An analysis of control of the ventricle of a mollusc.    II.  The ionic mechanisms involved in excitation by 5-hydroxytryptamine. J. Exp. Biol. 179: 63-75.   

Devlin, C. L.  1992.  Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of the ventricle of the mollusc, Mercenaria mercenaria.   In Phylogenetic Models in Functional Coupling of the CNS and the Cardiovascular System.  (R. B. Hill, ed.),  S. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel, Switzerland.  pp. 166-181.

Hill, R. B., Huddart, H. and Devlin, C. L.  1992.  Activation of a molluscan heart.  In Phylogenetic Models in Functional Coupling of the CNS and the Cardiovascular System.   (R. B. Hill, ed.),  S. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel, Switzerland.  pp. 149-165. 

Hill. R. B., Devlin, C. L., Langton, P. D. and Smith, P. J. S.  1987.   The electrical membrane responses which accompany mechanical responses of molluscan buccal and cardiac muscle to FMRFamide:  comparison to serotonin and acetylcholine.  In Neurobiology:  Molluscan Models. (H. H. Boer, W. P. M. Geraerts and J. Josse, eds.)   North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 105 - 109.

Ph.D.   Biological Sciences, the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
M.Sc    Biological Sciences, the University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
B.A.     Biology, English Literature, Environmental Science, American University, Washington, DC